Unveiling the Mystery: Google Gravity Easter Egg Tricks


Google Gravity, known for its innovative search engine capabilities, holds a realm of hidden surprises called Easter eggs. These playful tricks add an element of fun and discovery to the otherwise mundane task of searching the web. In this article, we’ll uncover some of the most intriguing Google Gravity Easter egg tricks that will leave you delighted and amazed.

  1. Google Gravity Sphere:
    • Enter “Google Sphere” into the search bar and hit “I’m Feeling Lucky” to witness search results orbiting around a central point, creating a mesmerizing 3D sphere effect.
  2. Google Gravity Underwater Search:
    • Dive into the depths of the ocean by typing “Google Underwater” and hitting “I’m Feeling Lucky,” transforming the search page into an underwater scene complete with floating elements and marine life.
  3. Google Gravity Mirror:
    • Experience a mirrored version of the Google search page by typing “Google Mirror” and hitting “I’m Feeling Lucky,” where everything appears flipped horizontally, offering a quirky twist to your browsing experience.
  4. Google Gravity Guitar:
    • Type “Google Guitar” into the search bar and hit “I’m Feeling Lucky” to reveal an interactive guitar doodle that lets you strum and play tunes using your keyboard, adding a musical touch to your search results.
  5. Google Gravity Terminal:
    • Transport yourself to the retro era of computing by typing “Google Terminal” and hitting “I’m Feeling Lucky,” transforming the search page into a command line interface reminiscent of old-school terminals.
  6. Google Gravity Zerg Rush:
    • Challenge yourself with the “Zerg Rush” Easter egg by typing the phrase into the search bar and hitting “Enter,” unleashing a swarm of ‘O’s that devour search results, requiring quick reflexes to fend them off.
  7. Google Gravity Pac-Man Doodle:
    • Relive the classic arcade fun by typing “Google Pac-Man” and hitting “I’m Feeling Lucky,” launching a playable Pac-Man game doodle where you navigate the iconic yellow character through a maze while avoiding ghosts.
  8. Google Gravity Space:
    • Embark on a journey through the cosmos by typing “Google Space” and hitting “I’m Feeling Lucky,” transforming the search page into a zero-gravity environment where elements float freely in space.


Google Gravity Easter egg tricks add an element of surprise and entertainment to your browsing experience, showcasing the creative ingenuity of the search engine giant. Whether you’re exploring underwater worlds, playing retro games, or simply marveling at optical illusions, these hidden gems offer a delightful diversion from your everyday searches. So, next time you’re on Google, why not try out these Easter egg tricks and uncover the magic that lies beneath the surface?